Monday, March 16, 2009

End of the world 2012

A few prediction and prophecies on wad will happen in 2012 ( i only chose reasonable ones )

There are stories surfacing about SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS along the lines of splitting the atom - is the earth going to get blown up by a mad scientist? Apparently there is an experiment on a very large scale planned for the year 2012. In a long very tunnel, particle physicists plan to collide electrons and positrons (the opposite of electrons). The tunnel may be up to 50km long and they will use energies of up to a trillion electron volts. This will hurl these particles at close to the speed of light. No one knows what will happen if antimatter is created. Could it destroy a delicate balance in the universe? Will 2012 end of the world predictions find their fulfillment through scientific a experiment?

One prediction is of a GIANT METEOR OR ASTEROID. The earth has been struck by meteors before. Could one giant meteor bring and end to the world? Some predict we are overdue for a strike and give 2012 as a possible date for a giant meteor strike on earth.

Others believe that a PLANET X: NIBIRU, two thirds earth's size, will pass through our solar system around 2012 causing polar axis shifts on earth. True or not, this has been linked to some of the vague prophecies of NOSTRADAMUS.

Will SOLAR FLARES snuff out the earth in 2012 - solar flares seem to come in cycles and NASA have said that the sun is due for a big one around 2012. We all know that our life on earth is deeply affected by the activity of the sun.

A very real possibility is DISEASE - we have seen how quickly it can spread and devastate human life on earth. And there has been talk of the threat of pandemics for several years now. But is it reasonable to say that the world will end this way in 2012 with an earth wide pandemic?

An ancient CALANDER BY THE MAYANS runs out on December 21, 2012 and it has been suggested that they knew something we don't. This is the basis of what has been called the Mayan 2012 Prophecy. However because an ancient calendar ends on December 21, 2012 does not mean that the world will end then too, especially as the Mayan's didn't actually say this. The Mayan's had some interesting beliefs and insights about life and the cosmos Some of them reflect scientific observations today. However, the Mayans also believed that our sun is a god powered by blood from human sacrifices. So be careful what you believe.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to my site: I am also happy for you to use the cut and paste from my home page and put it in your blog.

However, since it's my work in your blog, it would be good to let your readers know that it's a cut and paste (they will now) :)

Also, becasue you are quoting my work, it would be good to intro "your" blog in a way that does not mislead readers to believe something about my work which is not true.

Unlike the intro on your site, my website states clearly that I do NOT believe these things WILL happen. It just acknowledges that this is what some people believe.

It then goes on to invite visitors to consider something more fearful than 2012 predictions.

Well, that said, I wish you all the best for your site and I appreciate that you did put a link back to it in your blog.


Vincent said...

Okay . . .

This was un-called for .